Online English vocabulary competition for college students successfully held by School of Foreign Studies

Publish Time:2020-07-07 Author: Views:10

Our teachers have launched various online teaching activities to respond to the request “suspending class, ongoing learning and teaching” issued by the Ministry of Education. In order to examine the phased teaching results and achieve the goal of “promoting learning through competition”, an online English vocabulary competition was held by the School of Foreign Studies. The mainly targeted students were all the freshmen and sophomores of our University.

With total number of 3256 participators, Preliminary and playoff was respectively held in May 16 and May 17. The competition was carried out through competition platform of Vocabulary Star official accounts. Covering core vocabularies of CET-4 and CET-6, the questions were flexible and changeable, aiming to examine depth and breadth of vocabulary from diverse aspects.

After fierce competition in the preliminary and playoff, 20 students including Liu Yuxuan won the first prize, 40 students including Li Shangzhewen the second prize, and 80 students like Ge Ruilin the third prize. Among them, the students who won the first prize will represent our school to participate in the following provincial competition.

This English Vocabulary Competition, both challenging and interesting, not only effectively tested the students' English vocabulary accumulation but also stimulated students' enthusiasm for learning English vocabulary. It promoted students to form the good habit of accumulating, practicing and using English vocabulary, helping students to cultivate persistent English autonomous learning ability.


Translators: Wang Yanxia, Huang Yu, Wu Tong

Proofreader: Fu Xiao

Tutor: Fu Xiao